• Madness

    I am not as strong as I can convince those around me that I am.

    I am only good at deceiving and performing. A con artist and a fraud is what I am.

    For as long as I can remember, I was never meant to be whatever this world requires us to be.

    I wish something was wrong with me—physically, for then the blame wouldn't be on my incompetent psyche.

    I broke over time by pretending to be someone I never was or will be, weakened to the point where I would instead want to die than go through all of that again and again and again.

    If only it were my broken and weak heart that you would care for, understand, and be so soft with.

    But a broken mind, whatever they can do with that?

    Our heartbeat is of their own will, at the pace they know to be correct.

    Our minds are built on our will, and we do not know what is right or wrong.

    To be ill physically is proof; mentally is an excuse.

    My madness wants to fuel illness, but believe me, I want to deprive it all of oxygen.

    For all the flames within me to settle once and for all.

  • Don't worry, dear. I will always be here. I will remind you as long as you don't forget about me.

    An eternal dialogue

  • It was not the first time I had fought myself, but it was undoubtedly the last battle my soul was willing to participate in. I abandoned my forgiving heart; the poet could no longer find the words to describe her pain.

    The poet

  • Sit in silence with yourself if you wish to understand the world better, for your perception colors the world around you.

    The stoic

  • No, I am not perfect, not a saint, and not always a levelheaded individual. But I look at my past and am proud; I look at my present, am pleased, and look forward to the future. I have no shame for who I was, for she and the teachers and guides I met taught me everything I know now.

    The palestrato

  • She would rather put herself down than live another day surrounded by tyrants. I am a clever little girl with fire in her heart—a fire that burns strong, fuelled by passion and desire. But I will extinguish that fire with my tears, for I would rather die by my own will than live against it. I will stand my ground. Be it above or below the dirt. I am not a fool, and I am certainly not a coward.

    The persian immortal